Tired of paper BOLs?

Learn more about uShip’s Electronic Bill of Lading and see how to easily document shipments right from your mobile device.

See How It Works

Tired of paper BOLs?

Learn more about uShip’s Electronic Bill of Lading and see how to easily document shipments right from your mobile device.

See How It Works


As a carrier, the Bill of Lading for each shipment is your best line of defense in the chance of a customer dispute. Not only is it the primary source of information that shippers use to either prove or disprove damage claims, but it also serves as a testament to your business and reputation as a transporter.

If a BOL lacks proper documentation or if you can’t prove the condition of an item at pickup, you might be held responsible for the damages. This could potentially cut into your profits and influence whether or not a shipper books with you in the future.

Bottom line: Creating a strong BOL will not only protect your business in the chance of a dispute, but can also build trust with repeat shippers booking high-priority shipments on uShip.

BOL Best Practices:

Document Before You Wrap

One of the easiest ways to protect your business is to take photos of the unwrapped item before loading at pickup and post-placement at delivery. This will ensure the original state of an item is well documented, protecting you against claims of in-transit damage.

Take Multiple Photos

At both pickup and delivery, take at least 4 photos that clearly show all sides of the item. A good rule of thumb is to think of this process as picking up and dropping off a rental car, where the agent examines all four sides of the vehicle and notates any damages.

Report Any Damages

If you notice any defects or damages at either pickup or delivery, be sure to take additional photos that clearly show them. This is particularly critical for used and vintage furniture, which most online customers haven’t had a chance to fully inspect before purchase and may already contain some flaws or “character marks” from years of prior use.

Obtain a Signature

Make every effort to obtain a signature from the pickup and delivery contact on the completed BOL. This step is especially important in instances where defects or damages are notated.

Contact Us

As with all exceptions, please make sure you’re proactively reaching out to the shipper and/or uShip if for any reason you’re unable to obtain the proper documentation. We’re here to help.

Remember: Over-communicating and over-documenting are key to protecting both you and the shipper from unhappy customers.

Learn about uShip eBOL and see how easy it is to document shipments directly from your mobile device.

Still have questions?

Contact us at [email protected] or see our partner guidelines for more information.